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Can CBD suppress my appetite?

The next thing I wanted to talk about is appetite and suppressing it with CBD. Most people associate the typical marijuana consumer with a certain stereotype. For example, when people talk about marijuana users and the classic "stoner”. He or she is usually portrayed as being extremely thin.

Read more …Can CBD suppress my appetite?

Can CBD help you lose weight?

Obesity as a widespread disease. One of the biggest problems of our time - obesity. The number of overweight people worldwide is increasing every year. This is particularly true for countries like the US, but it also affects Germany and even developing and emerging countries like India. You may be wondering how cannabidiol can be linked to this issue. In fact, CBD has recently been seen as an insider tip for losing weight. Please read below.

Read more …Can CBD help you lose weight?

CBD and Cancer : How cannabidiol acts on diseased cells

With cannabis, most people first think of the intoxicating and soothing plant, whose flowers can be mixed with tobacco or smoked pure. CBD, which can provide relief from cancer, is also derived from hemp. Mostly, however, it is industrial hemp, a species rich in cannabidiol, CBD. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short, is responsible for the intoxication. The trade and purchase of products with CBD is completely legal for cancer, but also for cosmetic purposes. But how exactly does the substance work? Find out how CBD helps with cancer:

Read more …CBD and Cancer : How cannabidiol acts on diseased cells